Why AfyaRepo
A Huge Problem
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) to transform Healthcare. DLT and blockchain are not just a buzz-phrases. Did you know, there are more than 1200 different EMR systems in North America alone? Common purpose, but they can't talk to each other. Secure? Nope. Breaches in centralised databases are a perennial issue
The Challenge
Electronic Medical Records (EMR) systems are siloed. It is in the interest of the system vendors and the healthcare providers. In the process, the patient is marginalised. It doesn't have to be this way
The Solution
3rd generation blockchain and distributed ledger technology ushers in an era of individual electronic health records (or medical records) that are complete, immediately accessible in systems with smooth interoperability and at a much lower cost
A Better Way
Blockchain and other forms of Distributed Ledger Technology such as Direct Acyclic Graph (DAG) are poised to transform healthcare delivery. True person-centred care means the individual having control of their health records. Distributed Ledger Technology technology makes that possible, with instant access any time, anywhere. It is a win-win for healthcare providers and patients